
Black Fan, White Fandom - CONvergence 2020

Black Fan, White Fandom: What it was like in the days before representation was as prominent, even though we have a long way to go. Panelists: Taylor Aaron Cisco, Briana Lawrence, Justin Edward Grays. Liaison: Shannan Paul

Although COVID-19 has postponed CONvergence: The Stuff of Legends to 2021, we still were able to move forward with having an online convention. CONvergence Online was a free to attend event where we can digitally gather and enjoy the convention weekend; we were still able to hold room parties and participate in panels over Zoom. You can listen to or download an audio version of the panel here, or watch on the CONvergence YouTube channel.

Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship

Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship

Watchmen. This show is still giving me lots of feels and leaving me with lots of questions, but in a good way. Marvelously put together. Again, this post has spoilers, and it is not a review - rather, it is more of a reaction piece that I am writing as I am watching the episode. Please feel free to leave a comment with your own thoughts and reactions to the show!

It's Summer and We're Running Out of Ice

It's Summer and We're Running Out of Ice

I watched the pilot episode of Watchmen last night, and I was left with many questions. Many questions in a good way, but still many questions. I also caught a number of things along the way, and so I decided to record what I was thinking as I was watching the show here. This will contain spoilers, but it is not a review beyond “I liked it and am ready for more”. These are my thoughts as I was thinking them, so they are kinda rambly with very little analysis; a written first reaction, if you will. Please feel free to leave a comment with your own thoughts and reactions to the show!